a ::the smoke zone::: ¡Una bicicleta es muy buena! ¡Cabalgue con nosotros!


¡Una bicicleta es muy buena! ¡Cabalgue con nosotros!

So we've started pounding our legs for 20 minutes each morning, uphill mostly, to get to work. Because we decided that sitting on our lazy butts and wasting the fuel to drive thus far wasn't worth the five minutes it was saving us in time.

I don't think driving was worth much at all.

This new way we are pumping our heart harder, loosening our aging muscles, breathing harded and fuller.
And the road is a real surface with pits and cracks I didn't see in my moving compartment, as well as leaves, grass clippings, parked cars, flowers growing under the highway, actual inclines!
And I can say "hello" to the people and "thank you for moving out of my way so that I don't bump into you" and I can clearly see the curtesy and humanity in it all.

When I drive, it doesn't seem like any of it really exists.
When I bike my legs hurt and it reminds me how there is nothing better than pure life.


At 12:29 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Es tut mir Leid dass du musst auf Spanish sprechen. Es tut mir Leid auch dass du werdest nicht erklaren.

Ich brauche ein Spanish Schule, aber du moechtest mich nicht Spanish sprechen.

Du bist sehr boese.

Avi und Vala, schlussen deine Munde. Ich weiss dass meine Grammatik ist jetzt sehr schlect. Ich habe die Saete mit keiner Buch geschieben. Ich denke dass die nicht so schlect sein.

At 12:34 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

"I am sorry that you speak must on Spanish. I am sorry also that you not explained become.

I need a Spanish school, but you would not like to speak me Spanish.

You are angry very.

Avi and Vala, ends your mouths. I white that my grammar now very schlect is. I pushed the Saete with no books. I think that that are not so schlect. "


At 12:55 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Ich weis nicht.

I've actually decided to give up on german. Its not working for me and i'd have to take more classes if I got a BA instead of a BS. Shrug.

And congrats on your choice of transportation. A very wise choice in these times.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Ha! Rali, deine Deutsche Grammatik ist sehr schlecht, aber meine ist MEHR schlecht. Ich habe alles vergessen. ALLES! DAMN IT!

Did you do the translation yourself, Widge, or did you use the travesty that is Babelfish? Because clearly boese = evil. Heh.

Good for you guys, with the exercisification. I am attempting a similar endeavor, walking everywhere that I can - although these past couple of weeks I have been rushing too much for that.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

In retrospect, ich denke mein Buchstabieren ist sehr schlecht und meine Grammatik ist ok.

And yeay for walking. Howeve, I found that walking takes too long and I'm not moving fast enough (then it just reminds me of those dreams I always have where I can never move fast enough!). Biking is much better for me as it encourages me to do it since I move faster than walking (and I abhor jogging/running). So it works...

Oh, and stupid Widge did one of those stupid translatey things. Er weist keine Deutsch.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I didn't say anything about demons, Avi.
We aren't having any exorcisms!

At 6:40 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I don't think anyone got your joke, Fate.

Therefore, thanks for killing this conversation, you nerd.


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