a ::the smoke zone::: Clean up.


Clean up.

I have been cleaning up my old blogs - inactivating, mostly. However, this inspired a clean-up of copyright dates as well. Which led to this conclusion:

There are far too many drafts wafting about this place.
What's the deal?

Obviously, Vala thinks he has a lot to say, but in fact (as I just spent the last minute finding out), he has nothing to say at all.
That's right. The first few drafts left there by dear Vala are completely and utterly blank. They aren't even titled, so one who might catch them can't even guess at what he thought he might be thinking to say at the time.
How very inspiring, Vala. I'm not going to post those.

Or perhaps I should, to your shame.
But that would take up alot of space. So I won't be posting them.

Most of the other drafts are bits and pieces here and there that someone at one time or another thought might be somewhat inspiring to read, or simply to post. They might be well-meant, but most of them aren't even very sensical. They fail only a little less than Vala's.

And so, I won't be posting them either. I will simply clean house and clear out these bits of dust from things we all think we might say, but find a few words in that there is nothing at all in it.

No, on second thought, I will post them all to shame everyone. Yes, even myself (Please do note all of the unfinished sentences and even words, as I find them severely convincing.)

And there we are. A clean house.
Back to posting, everyone (but no more drafting, you nitwits!).


At 5:20 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

I wasn't aware I was leaving wadded up bits of blank digital data layin about the place...


must be my evil twin's next attempt at taking over the world.

Obviously not an amazing attempt but he is getting better. This one's made top of the list right after that one where he thought he could gain control of the local police force if he mentally urged them to scratch their butts all at once...

yeah I didn't understand that one either.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Whee! No messy drafts from me!

At 2:48 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

How very true. Let us all attempt to follow your oustandingly stellar example.

Neither are there from Butter. But that's because he never says a single word. Let us never ever follow with not-outstandingly nothing-near-stellar example.

Instead, let us give him the point of shame.


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