a ::the smoke zone::: December 2004


I can explain!

Hello all smkrs.

Please don't murder me! I realize I have been remiss in my blogging. I have duly beaten myself over the head with my sister's beanbag snake (its name is Azul Lazuli, which is awesome and completely beside the point) and I will defend myself by stating that first I have been in California with my grandparents, cousins, and so on for the past week; and also that before that, following an incident in which my sister and I were apparently irresponsible, we were grounded (I was GROUNDED! At my age! Can you believe it?) from the computer... still can't believe it. All I did was forget to cook dinner. Anyway...

I have developed two new obsessions. (Widge, you can ignore this as you already know) One is the Phantom of the Opera - the phantom himself, I mean. I know RK and I already agreed he was way better than Raoul and that we would most certainly have fallen in love with him rather than said Viscount... But seriously, after seeing the movie I have decided the Phantom is the hottest and most seductive gentleman ever portrayed on stage or elsewhere. Even with the whole "loathsome gargoyle" face thing, I was so jealous of Christine in that last scene - she got to kiss the Phantom! Bah! Yes, although I didn't actually like his singing voice that much, Gerard Butler is my new hero based solely on his undeniable magnetism.

So there's that.

I also have become obsessed with E Nomine, a German gothic group who does the most awesome techno music ever. Sometimes they remind me of Rammstein, which of course makes me happy, but they are very much their own sound... Mitternacht is one of the best techno songs I have ever heard, with the unusual triple-beat one occasionally but rarely gets, chanting in Latin, and scary maniacal laughter very once in a while. It can get no better. Mmmmm...

So anyway, that was pretty boring subject matter. I would try to be entertaining and all, but today is my lazy day. In fact, I'm still unwashed and in my pajamas (yes, I own pajamas!) at 2:00 in the afternoon. I am also extremely sore and tired from my first skiing of the season as of yesterday, and disinclined to do anything useful. I had planned on updating my DevArt account - unlikely that'll happen.

So instead I've been reading scary stalker mysteries and eating Yoplait's custard-style vanilla yogurt and listening to the Phantom soundtrack all day. Ah, the joys of vacation! Unfortunately, I may have to work for the rest of my stay here, which absolutely sucks as I hate my job. Oh well.

So now you know everything that's important (or rather, everything I could think of at the moment) and a bunch of stuff that doesn't matter. Lucky you! Hope everyone's vacation is going swimmingly. From the sounds of things, it is at least interesting for everyone.

As for me, my thoughts are already turning to Merry England and wondering what the rapidly approaching New Year has in store. Funny I should want school back already, isn’t it? But seriously, the thought of having to work has totally diminished my pleasure at being home.

Cheers, all.


Grand Entrance

Is life to short to worry about the details or so short that to avoid them makes you miss far to much?

I figured I would make my grand entrance with a deeply philosophical thought to surprise all. So, for all you normal people who got to go home and have a Christmas tree and see family and eat turkey on Christmas this was my experience. We woke up at 5 am Christmas morning to go to the train station, missed our stop once, took the wrong train once and after not seeing any cats in France saw more than a dozen in a single day in Italy. Introduced my mom and sis to cafe latte, we have now bought 4 bags of italien expresso to take home for people, ourselves included. The fact that we dont have any way of making it doesnt seem a problem for some reason.

Well, thats all for now so I shall end on a rather grim note, having recently visited the coloseum and knowing its bloody past,
The Duel
Charles Baudelaire
Two warriors have run one into the other; their weapons
Have splashed the air with glimmers and with blood.
This game, this clink of iron is the din
Of youth preyed upon by keening love.

The swords are broken! Like our youth,
My dear. But the sharp nails, the teeth gnashing,
Will avenge the traitor epee and dagger's tooth.
--O fury of hearts ripe with ulcers of passion!

In the haunted ravine where ocelots and snow leopards gambol
Our heroes, in seizures of wickedness, have rolled,
And their pelts will be flowers to decorate the brambles.

--This gulch, this is hell, with our friends it is peopled!
Roll in it without remorse, inhuman amazon
So that the ardor of our hatred is never gone.


After a bit of consideration...

Okay, okay, okay. So I have neglected my newest baby and let the poor child nearly half starve. It is a very sad state of affairs, I cannot disagree. However, I can explain.

It all started upon an arrival to the home I have known for so long...

Well, as you can imagine - everything began to pile atop other things and Christmas had to be prepared for; and the shopping, and the cooking, and the cleaning...ish, and the decorations, and the cramming all too many things in an inadequately smallish room, and whimpering about the mess...

And well, you know. It just sort of swallowed me whole after a while.


But I am back, again.

And now, here is a thought Widge and I have shared:

Is seeing the light really worth it if the rest of the world always looks dim after that moment?

Unfortunetly, I do not have an answer to that question. I oft times do sit and wonder upon it though, questioning myself at every turn if I have made a terrible mistake or if I am still in the right...

...or if it is even worth trying to discern with myself.

And everytime, the blank remains - and I remain with my dim world and lighted eyes...

...just as before.

And then, I remember that at least I have seen what the daylight does look like; and that in the end of things is at least worth knowing it exists somewhere.

And so, I stare at the prospects and, just as before, I end.

Because oft times, it is all one can do - to simply end.


Oh, and p.s. cheerful new year thoughts to all my fellows out there. May your new times wishes work to becoming true.


Have I made it back to reality at last?

Sheesh people, am I going to be the only one who posts on this thing?
I've got 2 out of 3 so far and the longest one! Pathetic!
Rali, at least you won't let me keep those titles.
So I'm home.
Except not quite home...
My mum has moved so I'm now stationed at a different house, which feels weird but I'm already flipping the subconcious psychological switches that make things feel like home so no worries.
We went to an italian place yesterday night and I had some good food, but the news is that I gave American coffee another shot.
A shot that missed the target completely.
Yes, it's still sludge over here. I don't know how I'll ever drink coffee again.
This morning I had scrambled eggs with smoked jalepeno cheese and crumpets and real toast, not the kind that turns to cardboard when you toast it. And a big glass of orange juice and a cup of my mum's coffee-ish thing that never seems like coffee (so it wasn't sludge).
But now she's bothering me about getting out from the basment and taking a shower before her guests show up for the party she has every year. I can only assume she doesn't want this reeking spector waltzing through the guests.
Ooh, I can't wait!
A real shower!
With a non-funky smelling bathroom!!


It's a Christmas Mystery!

Enjoy my stay? What is this place then, a hotel?
Stupid things we do overseas, eh?
Well then, speaking of hotels, dost thou rememberest that one time involving a hotel and that rather humorous thing that happened there? Ha ha! My sides shake jollily at the thought!
Educationally valuable this was not. I found it to be rather pointless, especially seeing as all I paid for was a barely guided independant study. Bah, well anyway. I can't wait until it's Christmas break, all four? five? days of waiting.
Five, but anyway.
Last night was the Christmas party and, as an unexpected twist (at least to me, I heard that Rali knew otherwise) there was a mystery thing. What fun, jolly good. I ended up as the family doctor: old, getting senile, and willing to do anything to protect Rose and the family. Of course, I was the one who accidentaly killed the valet, in an attempt to poison this guy who slept with Rose years ago and was blackmailing her at the party.
Unfortunately for the activity, a few of the people who were given charaters didn't really participate, not wanting to act a part. Which is fine, whatever, but it put a huge damper on the possibility for working through the plot. Then, to add to it, they cut into the game with the white elephant gift exchange thing which took so much time that afterwards no one was really interested in it anymore, except of course, yours truly, us (and a few other people).
But I had a bottle of cyanide that I had not been able to use as yet and where's the fun in that?
Soooo.....I had a nice chat with "Aunty Priscilla" or Rali, if you prefer real names, and right as she began to ask what I knew about Miles (the guy who had the affair with Rose) I asked if she'd like a glass of water. Booya.
Unfortunately, no one cared even when her and Avi sceamed and said "she's dead!" rather embarassingly so we decided that the game had pretty much ended.
Ah well, at least I got to poison somebody and then frame my enemy.
Well, I had better stop this random blabbering or Rali is going to get angry about the fact that there's too much text and that it's not chopped up enough.
Alright then, mosy on out.
No more to see here.
No, turn those cameras off, we don't allow cameras here.
No turn them OFF!
I said tur-*click*


Welcome One, Welcome All

Greetings my fellow fiends, to a place where we can chill and talk about all of the stupid things that we do overseas.

I hope that this semester has been as educationally valua...

Wait, screw that.

I'm just glad we all lived through it!

Just one more week, and we'll all be off to talk about our pleasures at home!

...some of us, that is *wink*.

For those who aren't - we'll hope you stay safe anyway.

So anywho, without any further bibble-babble on my part...

Welcome to the Newest Blog, all for English Smkr Wannabe's!

Enjoy your stay. Come back soon.