a ::the smoke zone::: This Just In


This Just In

In response to the hostile nature of previous comments recieved by one of the smkr-crew, the following publication was issued as an immediate press release.

Consider this my resignation as smkr, blogmaster, and pun-maker. This you may be glad to hear - in fact, I'm certain of it. So, with that, I submit the following:
Considering the honorable place which is held by a smkr - and the necessarily weighty role of blogmaster - I decided the only fair way to go about things would be to being taking applications for the duel position of smkr/blogmaster.

Please submit your applications immediately to Biscuit Headquarters.

Your application will be reviewed and processed appropriately within six full business days.

Please be sure to note that the [at] must be replaced by the appropriate marking on your application. If the applicant fails to adhere to this procedure the blogmaster will be unable to process the request. In addition, please note the following timetable: the weekend logically extends from noon on Friday to noon on the following Monday. Each Tuesday is reserved for sporatic and frequent paid sick-leave days, Wednesdays are four-fifth days, Thursdays are two-third days, and Fridays - quite naturally - are half days. In addition, no application is processed between the third and the fourteenth of each month for staffing purposes. Should you require further information, please refer to a printed out version of the online catalogue, seeing as the online version of the catalogue is no longer available for public use based on the fact that corporate websites connected to this blog are no longer accessible via the world -wide-web due to the lack of a reliable blogmaster and significant cuts in the administative technology budget during the 2003-2004 fiscal year.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the current blogmaster either through the above application address or through the blogmaster's official webpage. This is effective only until the position is subsumed by a worthy applicant.

Thank you for your interest. Please have your applications in to the our corporate office before the deadline printed in the right-hand corner of your application guidelines sheet.

We look forward to processing your application.

RaliKat Esq.
Former SMKR and Blogmaster


At 4:50 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Let democracy decide the new blogmaster and lead smkr!

At 5:15 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Sod off. I'm in control of this ship. I'll take applications.

Whether you like it or not. :glare:

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

hmm, I think i've done enough damage for now. I'm stayin outta this one.


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