a ::the smoke zone::: Honorary Smkrdom


Honorary Smkrdom

Most of you guys have some idea of what has been going on lately on the emotional rollercoaster I call life. I understand that the emotions need time to come to a landing before a final decision is made and as such will say no more as to the out come of the rollercoaster. One thing I will say is that one of my concerns had been Vala's inclusion into my smkr group. I believe he is liked by you all and it is my understanding, due to an earlier post, that a slightly more formal inclusion into the smkrs would not be opposed. As such this post is a request for us to define underwhat circumstances we grant honorary smkrdom. I think this applies to not only the current situation but also other situations that might arise should Avi ever get the guts to get together with her eskimo friend or simple a case where we all become close to another person. So, this is an invitation for your thoughts and suggestions on honorary smkrdom, to whom it should be extended and underwhat circumstances. And with that said I now yield the floor to the next speaker.


At 9:19 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Well...not that I really have a say in how you decide being as i'm one of the people under consideration...but i'd say sleepin on widges floor at newbold counts for something, neh? jk. And I realize I may not be fully welcomed by the group any more after what Daphne's gone through as its partially my fault. I await your verdict.

At 3:02 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I would say that no one else can really become an actual smkr. It's like Judaism. You can't just up and decide to be a Jew. But you can convert to the religion. So likewise, someone can't just be a smkr, they would have had to be one of us while we were in England but they can be honorary smkrs if they want to become one and we all think they are worthy of it.

At 6:24 AM, Blogger Andunneana said...

The question was about honorary smkrdom. I never thought so high as to actually make someone else an official smkr. So maybe we should first define an honorary smkr and what benefits it would hold.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Personally, I never actually liked the idea of "honorary smkerdom".

I think we can all agree that we all seem to make friends who are all messed up enough to be considered smkrs in their own way -- and yet, the term smkr has always been a designation of the four of us during a very important time in our lives, during that year away from our lives here in England.

Now in my opinion, no matter how close we become to other people in our lives -- no one can really be a smkr, because a smkr is because of what we were then; not what we are now or will be in the future. And in that way, honorary smkrdom is arbitrary, because in my mind -- the only smkrdom that exists is that which was created in the past and carried on into the present and the future purely because of our continued connection.

At 6:10 AM, Blogger Avi said...

I dunno, RK. I think I disagree with you on that. I think calling someone an honorary smkr but not an actual smkr preserves our sort of insular "tight-knit family" thing enough. I personally am all for inclusiveness. Honorary smkr seems a fine compromise anyhow.

And Daphne, I resent that remark of yours about Eskimos.


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