a ::the smoke zone::: October 2005


There's just no point in it

Yes, I do realize you have no control in this case. That, in sincerity, you can't do a gosh-darn, single thing about my problem here. But I don't care, in fact. I'm going to complain about it anyway.

Someone needs to see the following with me!
-Corpse Bride
-Curse of the Were-Rabbit [Wallace and Gromit]

But first I need to work-out (which yes, I am doing again). And shower. Shower is probably the more prevalent issue on the table, but of that I care little.

In a way, this is a plea to the world to lay up on me. In a way, this is just a self-pitying sob-party intentioned to make you feel like poo. In part, this is the state of my mental capacity to understand the higher logic of society and the world at large.

In part, this is my religio-socio-political slant on existence. How I managed that? I've not a clue. But this is my attempt to update, since it had been a while - and I felt the twinges of guilt more predominantly than I felt the twinges of hunger or sleep or loneliness. So, shuttup; it's relevant. Love me for it :'0(


"clownabilly" rock band?


FREE: mustard packets, looking for a good home

First let me just once again make notice of the fact that I have a ton of mustard packets if you want any. Honestly, it's like my floor is lined with them. I'm afraid I'll step on one.
Oh and I brought some ketchup packets back just for you Rali. They're filled with the best ketchup made out of the finest, ripest tomatoes, plucked from the golden fields of TEMERATH. Yea, funky name eh? They have funky names there.
I couldn't stay 'cus they don't serve tea.

So it's been done. My hair has been cut. It's back to a decent length. I dunno though, I'm a little concerned. Rali will decide and tell you all if I still have my awesome powers. Not that it matters, I can grow hair at a rate faster than anyone alive. They taught me some great stuff over on the other side.


This is getting ridiculous.

It's been some time since I've actually posted. Call me lazy or ill-diligent, or irresponsible if you will. Or you could call me what I've actually been as of late - dead, beat like a whooped horse, and kicked in the ribs while I'm down.

At least that's what it feels like uni is doing to me. I'd like to call it unfair - but no one would legitimize a comment like that. So I'll just let it go. But no, seriously, my annoying blathering aside, I've stumbled across gold -- GOLD!

Here. Bushell's Tea.

Click me, I'm hott.

If you don't appreciate this, you're not smking something. You're not on crack or grace grass or even concrete. You're just a piss-drunk punk-ass who has no concept of culture, or experience in a wider world that goes beyond your indie band posters in your academy dorm room that little boys and little girls can't hang out in together.

You're irrelevant if this makes no sense to you, and you should be removed from the greater gene pool. Respectively.

With that, enjoi you're stay.



Three blank text messages

Yesterday was obviously not my day. I went to text the smkrs about how I had represented Newbold at the PAA college days and how it made me miss Newbold and them and just could not get it right. Enter addresses, go to message, wait... I sent it... blank, dang. Alright lets try this again, enter addresses, go to message, what... not again. I will conquer, go to outbox, try to edit message, why did you send it again?! Come on, I'm smarter than my phone, enter addresses, go to message.... *blank look*... I give up.
On a secondary note, have ya'll noticed that this make my 3rd post in a row without a single post from any other smkrs. You need to start posting and you can no longer bug me about not posting, mwaha.
Oh, and Widge where are you? Let us know that you are still alive.


Digestive Dilemma

Do not put digestives in cream of wheat. What ever you may be thinking it is not a good combination. I know, I know crushed up digestives seem like they would go good with just about anything but trust me on this. And what with the dwindling supply of digestives in the area it would be just awful to waste any of that precious comodity. And so I end in repitition to further drive the point home, do not put digestives in cream of wheat.