a ::the smoke zone::: Digestive Dilemma


Digestive Dilemma

Do not put digestives in cream of wheat. What ever you may be thinking it is not a good combination. I know, I know crushed up digestives seem like they would go good with just about anything but trust me on this. And what with the dwindling supply of digestives in the area it would be just awful to waste any of that precious comodity. And so I end in repitition to further drive the point home, do not put digestives in cream of wheat.


At 4:50 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

You're right; it does seem like that would be a good idea. I can see where you went tragically wrong -- I probably would have too. But since you've learned for me, I shall do my utmost to follow suit, or something.

Although on another note, I drink PG Tips plain now -- if only you'd told me in England, Widge. When I was still 15 lbs lighter. You bastard.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanx for telling ;) I was having tea and digestives today, and I thought I could put something on..


At 8:17 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Uh oh. Sounds yucky. What about hobnobs?

I don't think I could handle PG Tips plain. On the other hand, I haven't been drinking mine at all because I don't have any milk or sugar.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

That's because you have no culture.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Avi said...

And you are poop on a stick.

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Poop on a stick with culture though.

Oh, and just to vex you - tiramisu can be made with Splenda(TM).

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

Of course it can be made with splenda. What do you think I have been using.

At 2:43 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

*Watches the little faux catfight with a smirk* Seriously...all this over some drink. I'll never understand your love of tea.

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

And right there Vala, is why you will never be a true smkr - despite the efforts. It's such a shame.

And HA on the tiramisu, Avi. We're so much smarter...and healthier. And more cultured. Pity, really ;)

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

*sigh* Its true i'll never be able to share all your experiences or enjoy all the things you 4 do. So yes, in that sense i'll never be a smkr. But I think you may have mis-understood what it is I am trying to do. Daphne may see this differently but here is what I believe she and I are trying to do.

The old friends she returned to when she came home, for the large part, just wont mix with you her new friends. There is one exception, me. I know you, have seen the life you lived over there, experienced a touch of the madness, and really would like to continue the friendship that I touched on while visiting. You guys are the kind of crazy that I like even if I rarely get that crazy myself. Yet I know I could never be considered a true smkr. I didn't live the life, participate in all the madness, etc. You're a close knit family and Daphne's wish to include me in your clutch probably isn't something you're very fond of. As such I am reluctant to bother you about it. But a certain redhead has deemed my inclusion into the group to be of great importance to her on several levels. I don't think its that she wants me to be a smkr, rather she wants old and new to be joined in some way so that she can have the best of both. So she doesn't have to choose one at the expense of the other. I personally don't ask for the title 'smkr' or even an honorary, I simply wish to partake in my girlfriends life in more ways, make her happy, and gain some new permanent friends. How we do this is really up to you. Granting me some rights on the blog is one way I suppose. If I had had the time and money I would have tried for the 'getting together in socal' route.

So thats it I guess. My take on the issue. Hope it helps.

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Oh my. No, no, no. I was joking about the whole smkr-dom deal. You see, I don't actually ever take all this "smkr" stuff all that seriously. To me, the term now really just refers to the whole blog thing- which is why I was adverse to any "honorary smkrs". Would they post? What would be the point of that? If we want to have an all-out friends blog, sure why not. But this was just an english-leftover thing. So the designation was only as important as that because we post on this thing to keep up with each other.

But other than that, it's just a silly designation to me. Like "THE FOUR" was. It was silly. I don't have any real desire to keep my friends seperate or not add to my friends. Friends are friends. Designations are only useful when trying to describe how I know someone or where we met or how long I've been friends with them -- or if it helps to explain something about a person to someone else. Other than that, I don't designate.

All that said really just to say this Vala: You are my friend. Any label anyone gives anyone else is in actuality an arbitrary distinction to me. I may partake as a sort of silly activity or amsuing ritual. But that doesn't taint our status as friends. You are always welcome to come along, to be a part of some group, to talk to me at any time about anything (what a friend is in my book). You don't have to gain any silly label. You've been my friend all throughout - and you still are, and you will be as long as you wish to be.

So fear not, when I talk of "smkr" I don't talk of "friend". I talk of a silly joke that got started a long while back that pertains to these three wackos. It's nothing more to me than that, an inside joke that reminds us of what we mean to each other. To others, I'm sure it means more or holds more weight - but to me, that weight is held despite terms.

In general I shy away from labels or terms because I don't want to limit something or someone. Let it be what it is, and we'll call it whatever seems fit at the time. Later, we'll find other words and then we'll use those. Words are only as good as the meanings we ascribe to them - that's all.

I hope that makes some sense of what I've been trying to go on about.

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Ok, now I kinda feel stupid. *scratches his neck akwardly* I'm glad we understand each other now at least. I'm happy to know I have your friendship. I'm sure Daphne feels the same, if not more. Probably shouldn't talk for her though. SHe's probably reading this right now and wanting to bop me on the head for being rather..um..well myself. . . . I'm gonna shut up and go to bed now before I kick myself in the butt again. ;)

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Avi said...

I concur with RK. I like you, Vala, and have always advocated your "induction", silly though it may be... In any case, you should never feel on the outside. I consider you my friend as well.

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Whoa, we actually kind of took a turn for the serious there, didn't we? That's good, we need that too.

However...SPLENDA WILL NEVER PREVAIL! GIVE ME REAL SUGAR OR GIVE ME DEATH! ...Although those last two could be synonymous in rare cases, I suppose.

And seriously, how can "Splenda" be cultured?

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I think, more importantly, we need to address how eatinga all that sugar and as a direct result becoming an incredible fat ass can be cultured.

Splenda saves one the fat assness and allows one to enjoy the sweetness of sugar. How is that not cultured?

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Avi said...

(I just need to point out here that I actually do like Splenda and have used it in recipes before. I am arguing on principle.)

TRUE culture is revealed when one refuses to settle for anything less than the best. If you are going to have a cultured dessert, do it properly. In tiramisu's case, only the best will ever be real sugar - otherwise it is not real tiramisu!

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Who needs spenda when all you need to do is exercise more. Eat sugar...then go for a walk for something. Or work off that extra fat with a constant need for motion like me. Some part of my body is always in motion, foot tapping, leg wiggles, fingers, hands, etc. Works off all that energy and forces me to use up that fatness that the sugar makes. Very simple really.

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Splenda wins.
And yea, Vala, I completely concur about the smkr thing. I always just thought it was a silly title thing, it's not like we were ever debating whether you could be our friend or not.
And even though I think splenda wins, I think Vala's point of exercise is excellent.
Most people neglect the motion aspect of their health.
I'm totally going to kill two birds with one stone by biking to work saving money and toning leg muscle and burning retarded extra energy.

At 1:39 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

...hm, leg muscles ... ...I mean, umm, splenda! Yes, splenda totally wins.

0_0 Totally.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

*jumps into air and hovers momentarily with bright seizure inducing flashes and streaky lines*

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Ummmm. That's not the response I was expectin'...

At 12:55 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

But it was the response you hoped for.


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