a ::the smoke zone::: May 2006


The "Finals" War

Alright! Listen up people. Tomorrow many of us will go on the offensive...against finals that is. Be prepared to slog through heavy math and science fire. Don't get caugh on the English wire and make sure you don't put your foot down on the "business" end of a mine. Keep your heads down, language snipers may be lurking in unused classrooms. All it takes is one unexpected french or german word to the head to ruin your day. Keep your wits and mechanical pencils about you at all times. I want to see all of you hale and hearty when this is done. Good luck, and good hunting. May the force be with you. etc etc.


The Code Was Lost But The Hedge Was Won

For all you great fans of the Davinci Code, waiting with bated breath to see this masterpiece played out before you on the screen, your wait is over. However, the end has just begun. All that was good in the book has been tampered with and all of the complaints by the church are now justified. Oh screenwriter and director you broke the cardinal law of transfering text to screen you changed characters which changes everything. The fine line of noncommitment in the book that enhanced and increase suspense was lost. The well meaning, albeit misguided, clergy are now wholly evil and responsible for the atrocities they commit. The heretical piece has become blasphemous in your inapropriate additions. All is lost. We must now strive to keep people from this piece of filth they call a movie and simply turn them toward that piece of gold that is to book. Adieu

OK, enough crazy rantings about the horrible flop that is the Da Vinci Code movie on to a brighter subject, Over The Hedge. I have not been in a theater with as much laughing and a resounding aplause at the end in some time. It was wonderful. William Shattner paradying himself. Hammie's nuts. I will say no more for fear of giving to much away but is it was has steriotypically come to be called a, "must see" and the steriotype fits. Off to homework.


Childhood Timewarp...

I've been hit with the nostalgia bat once again...repeatedly. A friend from school introduced me to YouTube and Googlevideo about a month back and i've been cruzin through both off and on since then. It wasn't until I stumbled upon a link, via one of the webcomics I read, that I felt the first blow to the head from the bat of days past. It linked me to a video clip that sent me on a rampage through the web looking for more. What's this clip about you might ask? Its only something i've seen a couple dozen times, though not any time in the last ten years. And, unless you haven't managed to ween yourself off the PBS teet, you haven't seen these either in a good number of years. So take a trip down memory lane...relive your childhood once more...by following these three links...

Link number one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKX0RN19zc0&search=SESAME%20STREET

Link number two - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8237976613993331624&q=sesame+street

And link number three - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2780804592573424880&q=sesame+street (my personal favorite)


More of the same

Do this too. Just like before.
I am: tired
I wish: I wasn't
I fear: rejection
I dream: too often
I trust: in very little
I'm worried: about everything
I love small: coffee shops
I count: sheep at night sometimes
I think: too hard
I miss: Chicago
I drink: espresso
I party: instead of working
I watch: Cartoon Network
I want: summer to be half-way over
I dance: all the time
I sing: in the shower
I listen: to emo :P
I'm scared: of everything
I realized: that's retarded
I cry: at stupid things
I laugh: when I can't cry
I'm excited: about next year
I ask: why
I cook: pasta sometimes
I yell: at myself
I swear: so what
I hit: those I love
I've never: remembered dates
I'm turned on: some of the time
I'm turned off: the rest of the time
Relationships: are everything
Cuddling: makes life less painful
Children: frighten me
People: are beautiful
I can't believe: I'm getting married
I don't understand: the stock market
I'm looking: for purpose
I wear: nothing, thanks to Avi
I work: at school
One day: we'll get it
Tomorrow: is just an illusion
Yesterday: no longer exists
Next month: will be better
When I wake up: I miss you
Before I fall asleep: I miss you
I shop: for deals
I need: love
I'm bored: with academia
My best friends: are far away
My cell phone: is better than T-Mobil
My mom: rocks
My pet: is marrying me
My room: is cluttered
My computer: hates me
My I-pod: has awesome stickers, at least
My teachers: aren't always professors
My friends: teach me
My exs: probably want to kill me
My crush: is in my past
My enemies: may be many
My hair: needs to be cut
My eyes: are scratchy
My lips: are dry
My shoes: got left in Peru
My favorite quote: is out of context

It's different enough I thought we might have some fun with it. It seemed to work last time.

Comment people.


Dragged from:

[If you don't like this, bite me.]

So, here it is - the much-anticipated (heh) first installment of our smkr comic! How pretentious we are!

Or, view it in b&w

I wanted it originally in just black and white, but RK prevailed upon me to put up this one. I guess I like it too.

So, as you all know, this is supposed to be RK and me, but I realize they look nothing like us. Heck, it was hard enough just to get them to look marginally consistent from panel to panel! And I realize Valentine's day was a few weeks ago...oh well.


Who would object?

As web-goddess of this little joint, I have to pose a question to all the other smkers.

Would anyone be terribly torn up if I deleted our "Joint Effort" comic blog?

In it's place, I thought to maybe revise it into a different sort of group-blog. In order to do this, though, I need ideas. Mass ideas from everyone. Do you have a clue what we could do with "Joint Effort"?

Role playing? Combination Prose?
Or perhaps something less "inspiring" like travel itenuaries and future plans?

Give me feedback people! I can no longer stand that blog which is our bane, standing testiment to our utter laziness and aptitude for failure!

If I don't get any responses or anything by the end of this month, I'm just going to take matters into my own (frustrated) hands >=0P

- rwg
(reigning web-goddess)

Play writing maybe

I need your input for the very first scene of my very first play.
It should be fairly obvious that I have been reading way to much modern theater.
I am thinking of interposing scenes like this one for emotional content with more traditional dialogue to move the story along.
Help Me!!!

Help can be provided by going to andunneana.blogspot.com to comment on the work in question.


And Vala Makes Five...

Hi guys! Thanks again for letting me join in on your little smkr-fest here.
It's been alot of fun harassing you guys via comments.
Now I get to do it in posts too! What a deal. Cheers.


We needed something

...and my one-liner-esque post didn't count.

I thought this might amuse someone (and I don't want to admit I have a midterm in a little over an hour and half)
One Word Survey:

1. Yourself: dark
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: stupid
3. Your Hair: long
4. Your Mother: cute
5. Your Father: wise

6. Your Favorite Item: duckie
7. Your Dream Last Night: nothing
8. Your Favorite Drink: espresso
9. Your Dream Home: Brookfield
10. The Room You Are In: POO

11. Your Pet: Dipstick
12. Your fear: abandonment
13. Where you Want to be in Ten Years: England
14. Who you hung out with last nite: Jastard
15. What You're Not: everything

16. Your Best Friend: Ron ^.^
17. One of Your Wish list Items: GAIA!?
18. Your Gender: whatever ;D
19. The Last Thing You Did: stats
20. What You Are Wearing: brown

21. Your Favorite Weather: gloom
22. Your Favorite Book: Ender
23. The Last Thing You Ate: pignolias
24. Your Life: beautiful
25. Your Mood: stress!

26. The last person you talked to on the phone: Sarah
27. Who are you thinking about right now: Widgey

Okay. Now you >.<
