a ::the smoke zone::: Don't ask me why I have cheese in my mug.


Don't ask me why I have cheese in my mug.

Such silly absurdity but it is not just random gibberish. I found myself leaving school yesterday with baby potatoes in my backpack and pesto cheese curds in my coffee mug. Why did I find this happening? Because the farmer's market is in the park blocks by campus every Wednesday and I could not resist the bright, sweet strawberries, the homemade cheese, the walnut rolls, or the darly little pastries from "Two Tarts".

It is odd that a year and a half ago I was writing how my walk to and from campus reminded me of England, Europe, and the SMKRS. The farmer's market was a discovery I had not made but outside of the lack of home pressed apple cider and the addition of better weather it is so characteristic of our picnic lunch from the Stratford market.

I know I was the first to openly suggest a eulogy for the SMKRS in conversation Widge and Rali but I have changed my mind. If we suggest that we have died somewhere along the way we open the door for complacency about loosing touch and that is not ok. While we are in no way the same SMKRS we began as we continue to evolve and I hope always for the better as our situations allow. We are not dead, we are highly evolved. Or, as Gir would say, "I'm advanced!" and highly disfunctional.


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

True, we have of course changed, and in doing so have (and hopefully will) kept in touch. My only fear of not putting to rest the "smkrs" is that we will also not put to rest the idea that we can still live in those days, and in not comprehending that the past is past and that we are now in different places with a different kind of relationship, we will not allow the necessary evolution to take place, or acknowledge that it must in order to transcend the situations in which we so inconsequentially* became friends.

Let's just say we are good friends, label free. I've always felt better about a lack of labels. It allows for more freedom of growth and better acceptance of such freedom.

*See http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/inconsequential definition two in case you are unclear of my meaning.

At 5:01 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I really like this post.
We're advanced and disfunctional like Gir!

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I think Gir is really the only way to put it


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