a ::the smoke zone::: March 2008


The Funny Things Our Tongues Do...

Every now and then someone will say something that is so delightfully silly you can't help but spread the joy. "Walketpotch" is our baseline here and one that still gets a chuckle from me even after three or so years. One such instance of verbal slippage happened yesterday as Daphne and I were driving back towards Gresham after a meeting with our marriage counciler. Daphne, busy attempting to get out of the parkinglot, asked if it would be alright if I helped her take care of a bit of car work that needed doing. Her exact words were...and I quote..."tires in the air" instead of "air in the tires". She, of course, was unaware of her mistake. I however had caught the slip and promptly busted up laughing and told her, in no uncertain terms, that I would be sharing such delightful bit of wordage with our friends. And I have done just that.

PS - The blog is demanding I marry it now. This after it repeatedly insulted me. Bipolar perhaps?


Missing something?

Watch this carefully:

A London-made video

And it's okay to hate those who post things other than words.
I do.


Long last

Now we are all together, at last! Yeay for us.

And now, everyone must view
, because it is so very true.

And I hate Starbucks, sincerely.


Well, I can't...

add Butter without his email address. One of the two of you must send it to me. And quickly.

Before I change our minds about all of this smkr-clan business.


¡Una bicicleta es muy buena! ¡Cabalgue con nosotros!

So we've started pounding our legs for 20 minutes each morning, uphill mostly, to get to work. Because we decided that sitting on our lazy butts and wasting the fuel to drive thus far wasn't worth the five minutes it was saving us in time.

I don't think driving was worth much at all.

This new way we are pumping our heart harder, loosening our aging muscles, breathing harded and fuller.
And the road is a real surface with pits and cracks I didn't see in my moving compartment, as well as leaves, grass clippings, parked cars, flowers growing under the highway, actual inclines!
And I can say "hello" to the people and "thank you for moving out of my way so that I don't bump into you" and I can clearly see the curtesy and humanity in it all.

When I drive, it doesn't seem like any of it really exists.
When I bike my legs hurt and it reminds me how there is nothing better than pure life.


Announcement for Vala-kun

I realize it's kind of ridiculous to have a separate post for a simple conveyance of information for one person, but I wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in the comments.

I won't be making it to Sakura-con after all, Vala. You can pass that on to Washu, too. Turns out I have to go home for the first half of Spring Break and leave for the second half... *tear*

It's depressing.


For Your Consideration

I say it's about time to nominate a new member of the smoker clan.
Thus I would like to bring to your attention a possible nominatation of the newest fiance.

But, of course, before we can move to accepting or even voting on said fiance, he must first give us a ridiculous sydonym by which we can mockingly - I mean, lovingly and kindly, of course, refer to him.

Once said requirement has been satisfactorally fulfilled , I motion to accept said new fiance into the smokwerishness that is this blog.

Do I hear a second?

That reminds me, I get to watch "The Golden Campasss" for my consideration. I'll explain later...