a ::the smoke zone::: And we return!


And we return!

Because, as editor and overseer, I can.
And because, as RK - I would.
Cheers, Widge!

Our lapse into anarchy in Stratford over, we are all back once again into the so-called swing of things. Classes to be taken, books to read, papers to write: all returnéd.
We may have had the chance to intermingle with the groping youth of England, complete with 50's retro clothing and Elvis wigs had it not been for a spout of individualism that chanced upon me one day as I sat on the El in Chicago, heading downtown.
We may have had the chance to fill our lungs with smoky, stagnant air had it not been for my attempt to liven my shoes up with a bit of color.
We may have gotten into the bloody club had it not been for my "trainers".
But we did go to Pizza Hut and none of you can tell me Pizza Hut isn't the coolest late night activity.
OK, I'm sure that's not true, but it still kicked major arse and I want more pizza even now. But no, I anticipate lunch at the cafeteria. Blegh.
But anyway, now we are back at school, ready to fill our minds with wonderful new facts and ideas to better ourselves and others with.
Yes, I believe that!
You shush!

And lastly I have to inform you all that, as outlined in the Student Handbook, drinking, usage of drugs, and free sex is not allowed on campus.
No, we won't hear it, you had better be exchanging money first.
Minimum costs are 100 pounds sterling for a 30 minute session.
And, believe me, if there is any sex going on that isn't properly paid for then consequences will apply.
You've been warned.

Hey, I let you keep your font style. Be satiated!
- RK


At 11:22 PM, Blogger Avi said...

'Scuze me, I intermingled enough with the groping English youth to get my ass fondled(in LINE, no less.)I didn't even NEED to go in. I don't think anyone else had that privelege(Bleeeeargh), either.

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Because of course, PURPLE text is perfectly fine. But not slightly smaller text, oh no. That's ust wrong.

At 3:06 AM, Blogger Frankie said...

No "free" sex?! I'm so confused. Isn't that the best kind?! ;)

Apperantly they aren't interested in the students having a quality experience! :P


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