a ::the smoke zone::: Nothing Clever


Nothing Clever

Wow, it's been some time since I posted here last, although I have been keeping up with commenting...

Anyway, I don't really have a whole lot to say; my terrible sleep habits have finally caught up with me and although I have been trying hard to avoid getting sick with vitamin C and so on, I have finally got a nasty little cold. My throat hurts so bad... *sigh*. I really hope it isn't as bad by the weekend because I plan on partyin'.

Speaking of which, I nearly had a huge disappointment when we asked our boss if we could have Sunday off so we could go to Lichelle's house for the weekend and he said no because out of all of us - Liz, me, Lichelle, and her fiancee Joe - that was the entire work crew of Kretschmar hall. I was so disappointed I cried. I really did. You have to understand we have been planning this trip since October. But - THANK GOD - he reconsidered because of the holiday. I am so glad! I was prepared to be in a serious slump.

Well, that's really boring news. Perhaps you will find this other stuff more interesting: Shadow Star. I have already pitched it to Biscuit dear (and you need to put up a character, neh?). For the rest of you possible RP'ers, it is a long-standing fantasy email-groups-based RP with a widespread base started by Jenn, my current roomie, a while back. I am afraid it doesn't have piratey goodness like my never-completed RP (although, considering it is an island, I'll bet it could; maybe we could start some!), BUT it does have priest-warriors with sapient swords, lots of quasi-human creatures to play (Angels, demons, elves, centaurs, and much, much more!), two sides (Chaos and Unity) to choose from, and lots of elemental....elements? Plus it has dragons, sea-serpents, and other fantastic creatures. Anyhow, I have just started with it and I figured, why not spread the love? I hope someone else gets interested - it'd be fun to RP together once more! Although not LARPing. I'm sure Widge prefers it that way anyway, unless you've managed to win him over, Rali.


At 7:08 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

lol, RPing sounds like fun. Though i've never done online RP stuff. I didn't know you guys LARP'd, or was that a joke? Bah, sorry i haven't commented recently. I've been out of sorts.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Avi said...

No, we really did LARP. A couple times. It was fun but Widge was a party pooper.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Heh, you may not believe this but I *am* in fact winning the Widger over :maniacle laughter:!

At 3:17 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Yes, to confirm these riotous claims of Rali's, she is *in fact* slightly winning me over to it.
But only with certain rules and exceptions in place.

At 7:36 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Hehehe...Hey rali, how much you charging for a 5 minute viewing? Cause i'd pay to see you guys, widge especially, LARPing.

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Y'know, I wondered that you might eventually win Widge over, Rali. You have that convincing a personality. Sometime we are all going to have to get together and LARP, neh?

But y'all should join Shadowstar, yes?

At 11:56 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Heh, yeah and I should update on Shadowstar! I fail.

Anyway, we should do the dinner setting, where we are all characters, etc. Avi, Rali, Ande, Vala, and Widge star in (insert awesomely rockin'name).

This is what I want for my 23rd birthday. Seriously.

At 1:51 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Well, THAT would totally AWESOME.


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