a ::the smoke zone::: question:



As I only got 3 or so hours of sleep today and feel marvelous, in fact better than I have in a while, I ponder whether it may actually be better to get small amounts of sleep more often, like some have postulated about eating (eat less, more often).
I place the validity of this pondering before the forum.
Oh, and subsequently realise that we have used this blog as a forum or, at least, that I have always viewed it as a forum.
But in less fancy terms, have any of you had this experience? Less sleep than normal making you feel more alive or more thoughtful?


At 6:34 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

A. This isn't a forum dipstick. It's a blog. If we'd wanted a forum -- we'd have joined a forum. Not a blogging website. (It's named Blogger for Pete's sake!)

B. I shouldn't even bother answering this question. You all know my sleep habits.

C. It won't last for you though, because after a few more days of it, you'll have to sleep for an entire day... like you always do...I don't see why you fail to remember that :P

D. Feel better <3

E. Moo for cheese!

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Avi said...

If you have read my blog, which you probably haven't, you will notice that I have CONSISTENTLY been sleeping only 3 hours per night. It does NOT make me feel refreshed. But perhaps if it was once in a while, it would. I don't know, but I doubt it. Usually it just makes me feel sick if I don't have a chance to nap that afternoon.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Av, you're totally right. And the more you reduce the quantities of sleep, the more you increase the amount of illness.

Widge is just a retard with no memory.

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Sometimes I just get Napoleon's idea I guess.
Well, unfortunately the experiment can't continue because I got sick last night and had took quite a bit of sleep in recompense.


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