a ::the smoke zone::: I Laughed...


I Laughed...

A very random and very funny picture for a very randomly funny group of friends.
I laughed...so should you.


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Wait, hang on. I think I may just have lost the ability to read english becuase I thought, nay could have sworn that for one brief little moment that I had read the letters - not word(s) - "lol'd". But then, I considered: No, that's too high school, too web-babble, too...oh what's the word, RETARDED! for me to have read. I must have been mistaken.

Then, I came to the horrific realization that, suddenly, all logic and reasoning capabilities had failed me. All deductive, intiuitive assumptions had gone astray.

HE HAD, IN FACT, WRITTEN "lol'd". There, right there, just like that, I died!

And so, only my ghost is left to ask of you: WHAT THE F***?!

At 6:14 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

What? Whats that? I see no lol here? What are you talking about rali? Go drink your morning tea and come back when you're seeing strait again.

But seriously I found it on a very immature forum and the lol just kinda tagged along for the ride...I swear!

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Ohhh, so he ninja'd himself in and erased all evidence! AHA!

But the pic is hilarious.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An the worst part is he has actually used lol'd in verbal conversations. I always glare back at him as it to say, "that didn't just excape your mouth, you're such a nerd." It hasn't happened recently but I can see that it is not completely out of his system :(

Side Note: Blogger is still completely screwed up explaining the anonymous screen name and lack of updates on my blog.

At 6:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

<_< quiet...I have only ever really used lol in conversations pertaining to internet stuff and only in jest. If it's slipped out at other times...well i'll work on that.

Anon is easier...

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I am pleased that my intellectual death has spurred on such conversation.

So very pleased.

Yet, no ninja attempts to remove the evidence will bring me back to life.

So my ghost weeps, along with widow Widge.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And there is one simple reason why the ninjas fail... view my blog for the answer
if you dare... >_> <_< >_>


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