a ::the smoke zone::: IKEA Madness!!!


IKEA Madness!!!

The furniture, oh the furniture...
Vala and I made the inital trip to wild where teapots and slipcovers roam rampant attacking every possible variation of a couch. We oohed over the paper lights, we aahed over the magnetic knive holders, and we sighed over the total lack of registry options. I have come to the conclusion, however, that the student center at Newbold must have been completely furnished from the local IKEA or just things Gert brought with him.
Note: NEVER vist an IKEA on a Sunday when loud crowds are ensured and the overwhelming nature of IKEA ends up coupled with the overwhelming nature of people everywhere and by the time you reach kitchen goods you are one paper bag away from hyperventilating. At least until you find the food.
Note #B: Regarding food, remember the custard from Newbold, they have it. Remember elderflower press, they may have it. I will bring samples that we may join in the joy of underpriced memories.
That is all, goodnight.


At 7:38 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Yes its all true. Daph began wiggin out on me part way through because of the crowds and overwhelming nature of the store in general. I, on the other hand, was quite thrilled with the place and could have spent much more time there. Strange considering our natures.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

The ghost of Rali thinks that IKEA must be a place of soul swapping, and she must go there as soon as possible in order to find a new body to indwell.

I mean, Vala wanting to shop?! Daphne not wanting to?! Soul swapping, people. Soul swapping.

Also, do they have TUUUUNAH?

At 7:12 PM, Blogger andunneana said...

Sadly no TUUUUNAH but there is HEEEERRING in various sauces if you'd like to try them :)

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Nah, it's pretty lame in comparison. As for Ikea, it's pretty wild. The only time I've been I saw a lot of things that I thought I wanted which was an issue because I didn't have any money really. Now me and Rali need to go and check stuff out.
Although...one of our roomies, Ari*, gave us some little bookshelf lights that she didn't want and they were really cheap and ugly and broke in attempting to put them together according to the ridiculously simple instructions. So maybe not.

*this is a fake name she goes by often online so I thought it appropriate


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