a ::the smoke zone::: Hey Vala!


Hey Vala!

We be all hanging out right now making mash-ed potatos!
Why did you not come along, punk?!


At 7:03 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Je pleure intérieur parce que vous ne nous avez pas honorés avec votre présence. Elle m'incite à dédaigner la vie.

At 3:36 AM, Blogger Avi said...

...What...she said?

At 4:31 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Oh french! Here, i'll distract you with a fried frog leg so I can sneak in and steal all your hot water and tea. Hmm, me and Puget Sound are gonna have a tea party tonight!

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Puget Sound?????????

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I spell it wrong or something? Or do you just not know what Puget Sound is? The huge water feature the makes Washington look like it does. The bay that Seattle was built on. The big blue wet thing!

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Oh right, it's spelled "Puhdghette Sound"

At 12:33 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Oh, aren't we all oh so clever.


I hate everything.

Including Puget Sound.


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