a ::the smoke zone::: August 2005


Totally Normal and Completely Ordinary

I love smkr conversations!

your dirty words come out clean says: oh thats awesome
Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Pt 1 says: it was a little weird when the class coming in afterwards thought I was a substitute teacher
dirty words: LOL thats brilliant
Yoshimi: no, I'm not supposed to look that old yet

dirty words: LOL, we all look that old
*sigh* I AM that old

Yoshimi: I am not, I refuse.
and neither are you, you'll only be 22
dang it that rhymed

dirty words: whoa.
yeah that wasnt really ok

Yoshimi: especially since it wasn't even said, it was typed
I totally lose

dirty words: you totally do
Yoshimi: completely
dirty words: lol
Yoshimi: why does everyone laugh at me
dirty words: i laugh at everyone silly
myself included
and often

Yoshimi: and yet I'd be an awful standup comedian
dirty words: LOL, yeah well - wouldnt we all. I can just see it now - SMKRs live on stage! *shudder*

Yoshimi: that just might work *evil grin spreads across face and dollar signs replace irises*
dirty words: oh dear heavens. we cant MAKE people pay for.....that.
it'd be like, illegal or something
like selling drugs

Yoshimi: that's why we do it in mongolia
dirty words: OH gosh! LOL
Yoshimi: or cambodia, except (name erased to protect the Widge) would just keep saying cambodia and giggling and nothing would get accomplished
dirty words: no dude, that would totally be a part of the show
we're all going off like into a joke or anicdote or something
and the fourth member is constantly muttering "cambodia"
giggling like a moron

Yoshimi: moca for the stage
dirty words: YES!
Queen's Moca
and we can ALL smoke it
on stage
Yoshimi: it would be totally smokin
dirty words: totally
smkr-dom to the next level.
this is post worthy....*goes to smkzn*


Widge for '05!

[Widgeon: I win.]

My fellow smkrs:
with the recent resignation of our leader Ralikat, the blog is in a state of anarchy. New decisions must be taken, our focus taken to new directions.
I aim to fill that empty space and build a ... bridge, lets say, to the new blog. A bridge to 2006.

With my unemployed state, I can devote the proper attention to the inner workings of this smkzn, making sure your thoughts and desires are being heard and addressed. With me at the helm, I will make sure that our beautiful smkzn is getting the proper publicity it deserves and I swear that we will be within the top 10 of the bloglist before 2007. I swear that I will develop a way for your moniter to smell like roses when you visit smkzn.blogspot.com and the scent will linger with you for the rest of the day, making the blogosphere a more plesant smelling place. With time, you may even begin to choose what smell you want!* Also, every voter who votes for me will receive a free and adorable kitten!**
My fellow smkrs, when election day comes around and you make your way to the voting booth, remember my promises and my ability to lead and make the right choice.
Widge for '05!

*choices will include roses, poop, vomit, and wet dog.
**life not included.

This Just In

In response to the hostile nature of previous comments recieved by one of the smkr-crew, the following publication was issued as an immediate press release.

Consider this my resignation as smkr, blogmaster, and pun-maker. This you may be glad to hear - in fact, I'm certain of it. So, with that, I submit the following:
Considering the honorable place which is held by a smkr - and the necessarily weighty role of blogmaster - I decided the only fair way to go about things would be to being taking applications for the duel position of smkr/blogmaster.

Please submit your applications immediately to Biscuit Headquarters.

Your application will be reviewed and processed appropriately within six full business days.

Please be sure to note that the [at] must be replaced by the appropriate marking on your application. If the applicant fails to adhere to this procedure the blogmaster will be unable to process the request. In addition, please note the following timetable: the weekend logically extends from noon on Friday to noon on the following Monday. Each Tuesday is reserved for sporatic and frequent paid sick-leave days, Wednesdays are four-fifth days, Thursdays are two-third days, and Fridays - quite naturally - are half days. In addition, no application is processed between the third and the fourteenth of each month for staffing purposes. Should you require further information, please refer to a printed out version of the online catalogue, seeing as the online version of the catalogue is no longer available for public use based on the fact that corporate websites connected to this blog are no longer accessible via the world -wide-web due to the lack of a reliable blogmaster and significant cuts in the administative technology budget during the 2003-2004 fiscal year.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the current blogmaster either through the above application address or through the blogmaster's official webpage. This is effective only until the position is subsumed by a worthy applicant.

Thank you for your interest. Please have your applications in to the our corporate office before the deadline printed in the right-hand corner of your application guidelines sheet.

We look forward to processing your application.

RaliKat Esq.
Former SMKR and Blogmaster


Jems of wisdom:

In response to Vala and as further action against Av's useless links *wink*.
This could not more perfectly explain my view of life:

Who made up all the rules?
We follow them like fools, believe them to be true; don't care to think them through.

And I'm sorry, so sorry. I'm sorry it's like this.
I'm sorry, so sorry. I'm sorry we do this.

And it's ironic too cuz what we tend to do is act on what they say.
And then, it is that way.

Who are they and where are they?
And how can they possibly know all this?

Do you see what I see?
Why do we live like this?
Is it because it's true that ignorance is bliss?

Who are they and where are they?
And how do they know all this?
And I'm sorry, so sorry. I'm sorry it's like this.
And from OK Go: Got a job, got a life. Got a four-door and a faithless wife. Got those nice copper pipes. Got an ex, got a room for the night.

Aren't you such a catch. What a prize, got a body like a battle ax. Love that perfect frown, honest eyes. We oughta buy you a Cadillac.

Hey, get over it!

Thanks for listening gang. Nothing great this time around. That's all.




Seeing as someone needs to put an end to Av's flaming habit of posting links and commenting on them, I'm posting.

About what? Well, come on, I hadn't gotten that far. The thought came something a little like this: Damn, she is going to do it again!. You'd better do something, Rali, because if you don't - you will be sitting there reading yet another link and comtemplating the sanity of your poor dear friend. No one need end up like that. So, do something about it!.

And so, I did.

But what I'm doing about it is well, not quite as organized or thought out as it ought to have been. No great moral tales or heart-wrenching epitaths or analysis of something really relevant. In fact, this is actually probably significantly more pointless than Av's silly link posts. But hey, that's what comes of listening to this ol' mind, doesn't it?

Nonesense. That's what I'm full of. Nonesense, silliness. The capacity to come up with things like Romans taking over London, the world, and the universe through commerce, through capitalism. Phrases like "butt awesome" and "squeebly". Images that cause dreams of sitting on my computer and talking on the internet - which I realize is completely, utterly pointless. Ideas like microwaves that freeze and cars that run on magnets and a room full of butterflies in some two-room apartment in Virginia, because it'd be aweseom. Butt awesome.

And really, when the mind spawns things like that - it should probably be ignored. Yet, here I am. Not ignoring it. Tip-tap-typing it all out for you poor lowly readers to actually catch a glimpse of it in something sort of like real-time.

Hmm. Maybe I should just apologize for that.

Then, again, maybe I won't.

Either way, it is what it is. And it's the best I can do to foil her.



I need to stop doing this (Alternately titled "I did it and I'll do it again!")

I keep telling myself this'll be the last link to something else I'll put up as an excuse for a 'post', and then I go and do it again. But some of them are so downright funny!

(some weren't, it's true, and I apologize. But I think one's hilarious!)

78-year-old indicted in love triangle killing

Maybe it's just my ocassionally dark sense of humor. I suppose I should feel sorry for the old guy, but:

a.) He was almost in the grave anyway *Avi cringes immediately and guiltily at the callousnes of that statement*
b.) He was totally two-timing her! (well, maybe not, but 78 year olds have feelings too, and he totally dumped her!)
c.)It's Georgia. (That's no reason at all but I just felt the need, as a West-Coastie, to point this out *evil grin*)

I am a horrible excuse for a human being, did you know that?

Anyway, I'll try to make up for this rash of pathetic linkages and give y'all a bit o' news.


Ok, I tried. I have no news. I have nothing. I have high cholesterol - well I guess that's something, and it's news, but it's on the depressing side and I really don't want to know what the results of that bone-density scan are going to be, and I failed my driver's test and am trying again in a week but I still haven't been practicing and I was happy yesterday thinking about this coming school year and isn't that pathetic?

Ok all done. We live in a world where 78-year-old ladies shoot their 85-year-old ex-boyfriends with antique handguns, and we laugh hysterically. Maybe I should just throw in the towel now.


Aloha or something

Hi all,
Just letting you know why I am so silent currently, I am in Micronesia. My sis and I have done 4 dives so far and are doing at least 2 more. We have seen sharks, a manta, clownfish and their homes and much more. The teaching at the dental clinic is going well according to all reports. And I am not the prolific writer rali is so I will end things there. See ya'll later,


Computers can kill!

Let this be a warning to all.

Man Dies After 50 Hours of Computer Games

I find it supremely hilarious, myself - in a depressing sort of way.

Although I suppose we smkrs don't need it that much - unless one includes the countless hours I, at least, spend aimlessly surfing the internet...

Do any of you know any gamers that need this to be passed on to them?


extended silence

I suppose I feel a need, as the 'prolific' one here, to apologize for the exteneded silence and prolonged absence from posting. I guess I just haven't had anything silly enough or random enough or even meaningful enough in a smkr way to put up.

I guess I've done a mite too much thinking, and a mite too little ranting on about it, eh?

Or then again, maybe you - like seemingly most everyone else - don't mind the abscence. Perhaps you too have had enough of my presence, and perhaps it just isn't much missed here, as anywhere else.

Perhaps everything I do really is just a waste of time. And perhaps this is my own problem - not yours.

*rolls eyes* Well, that was completely useful. I'm glad I wasted your time in making you read something that was obviously of no use to either you or me. In fact, it was a good waste of time just typing it. But I suppose I'm looking to waste time so I don't have to pack. So I don't have to think about it. So I don't get anxious -- just waiting, waiting, waiting as time tick-tocks away with painful seconds that I can't help but count and can't bear the length of.

So perhaps a thing so wasteful of the time, such as this post, is a best. Maybe not for you; I'm sure you had plenty of other things you could have and would have rather been doing -- than simply just wasting, passing the time. But I don't, and so as smkrs, you can share in this need to waste, need to wait, need to blather.

Why? Just because I said so. And now, I think I'll be done. So you don't realize just how pointless this was...and before you have a chance to psychoanalyze it, me, or the greater cosmic order.

There, that's it. *shrug* Don't 'read' too much into it. Or my bad pun for that matter.




Why a thesaurus, why a friend, why these tears?

A simple search for, "a word for something that was real and still is real in snippets here and there but is mostly gone?"

An then in the search, that word, so simple, yet so cruel. Does it really describe the underlying reason for this distress that I keep feeling. And the song plays cruelly in the background, "smile like you mean it."

But do I really mean it anymore. Why is this so impractical? Why are those things that make us happy so unrealistic in the long run. Why feel such happiness only to be plunged into such anguish.

We are already chasing that dream, that ivory-tower that lives in our memories and I'm so scared that it is lost forever.